Living in the US as well as belonging to middle class family in Egypt, some things were hard for me to grasp. One day my mom was talking about a charity organization in Egypt called “Mersal”, it has this initiative that feminine products like pads are a necessity not a luxury. Frankly speaking I didn’t understand what is the big deal of having pads, this is the default. But, in poor areas in Egypt , pads are considered a luxury and the girls use cloth and wash it for reuse. Apparently there aren’t any local brands, not sure and most available pads are pretty expensive. The initiative was highlighting the danger of the cloth concept or even using single pad for extended hours to be affordable. I googled this and I was surprised that even in the US this is something called “Period equity”, it might be on a different scale than Egypt but it is an issue that girls need to be aware of the dangers of irritation and vaginal discomfort and being at greater risk for toxic-shock -syndrome a life-threatening infection. Every girl irrelevant of her social status has the right of menstrual products.