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Teenagers & Muscle building supplements

It was a normal Summer day which started in a good way till we get a phone call. A relative just 16 years old suddenly passed away. Last time we saw him was looked pretty healthy with an athletic body and never complained of any illness. After the storm passed, I heard from my cousins that he was obsessed with muscle growth, aiming to get quick results, he was taking steroids and protein supplements. It appears that he has been taken the for a long time at a younger age. Unfortunately this is a trend for youth in Egypt to achieve quick results not knowing the side effects of this approach. There is no much awareness about the prolonged usage of those supplements even some gyms promote their usage to show that you can quickly put on muscles and you get lured into joining this gym. There is no regulation about the use of those supplements as well. The boy just complained of severe stomach pain, tried to control with pain killers and died apparently of a cardiac arrest. Really said to see him die of something that could have been prevented, the issue is my cousin was saying that this is very known in Cairo to take those supplements in a young age. Hopefully, those death would be lesson to his friends to see impact of steroids just to go muscles and look cool.

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